3. How They Discover Reanimation
The Centres of Disease Control lends itself to two wrong turns in the television show. First up its the cryptic secret that Dr Edwin Jenner whispers to Rick about the zombie apocalypse. What was the secret? Well, Rick doesnt make a big deal about it to anyone, so its no surprise that it doesnt even come up again until the season two finale. The secret was that rather than turning into a zombie when you are bitten, everyone is infected by a virus and no matter how you die, everyone eventually turns. We learn this through Shane immediately turning after Rick stabs him at the farm but its hinted towards with Rick finding some police officers who have turned and died with no bites or scratches to be found. This isnt a terrible moment in the show; in fact it closes the best episode in the second season in a great departure for Shane. The problem is that the comic played it out in such a more dramatic and down-right awesome fashion that it wouldve been a better route to take. After the group has moved into the prison, Tyreeses daughter (Julie) and her boyfriend (Chris) make a suicide pact. Things go wrong only Julie dies while Tyreese and Rick find Chris. Julie then reanimates, meaning Tyreese gets a second attempt to see his daughter get shot. This isnt even the best aspect of revealing the reanimation as we get to see Rick drive back through herds of zombies to find Shanes grave, dig him up, say he regrets everything that happened before blasting him in the head, proclaiming I ain't gonna bury you again you son of a bitch.