The Walking Dead: 5 Reasons The Finale Was Awesome, 5 Reasons It Sucked

2. Dumb Logic

Boy, there was some really poor logic in this episode, and though the show has had a fair few issues with bizarre creative oversights, this episode might have the most glaring ones of the show's entire history. First and foremost, though Andrea's death gave her character a good send-off, one finer point was just distractingly drawn out, namely that she stopped to talk to a dying Milton instead of trying to free herself. While it's understandable that shock and panic is going to overcome logic in a situation like this, it still felt a little bit silly, especially given all that the group have seen by this point. Considerably dumber, however, is the fact that the group don't just go to Woodbury. It has running water, food and electricity. Instead they take all the survivors, put them on a bus and send them to the prison which, don't you dare forget, not only has a massive hole blown in it, but is completely lacking even the most essential provisions. It would have made more sense to storm Woodbury, but instead we're going to start Season 4 with a gang of geriatric extras walking around. That hilarious look of disdain on Carl's face was much like my own.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]