The Walking Dead: 7 Scenes That Were Too Extreme For TV

2. The Death of Baby Judith (Vol. #8: Made to Suffer)


€œShe€™s lucky. She€™s going to think everything is normal. She won€™t know that everything is messed up€”or how things used to be.€

Judith Grimes was the only person in the Walking Dead that was born after the apocalypse in both the comics and in the television series. As the title might imply, that€™s about all the two mediums have in common when concerning Judith.

There had been many deaths in the Walking Dead. Of them all, Judith was the youngest, the most surprising, and perhaps the most senseless. She was killed by accident, her mother hit by a shell that pierced through both of them while fleeing.

The shooter, a soldier in Woodbury€™s army named Lilly Caul, had been mislead about the details of the mission to West Georgia Correctional Facility. When the gunfire broke out, she returned fire on anyone who wasn€™t from Woodbury, though she had no intention of killing Judith, and perhaps none of killing Lori, either.

The consequential nature of Judith€™s death is one of the most gut-punching, devastatingly realistic moments in the entire series. There was no intent, no reason. It was just another thing that happened. The grand horror of life is that, sometimes, things just happen and we are made to live with that reality, utterly powerless.


Adrian Centeno hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.