The Walking Dead: 7 Things "The Distance" Got Right (And 3 It Didn't)

2. One Of The Best Action Sequences Yet

Speaking of which, how awesome was that whole sequence? Super awesome, that's how awesome. The Walking Dead has a fairly distinct, set visual style as it is, something which is de riguer for cable TV hits: it's just that that visual style is uniformly dreary, with the same earthy colour palette of greys and browns used for blockbuster video games who are reaching for €œrealism€. It's suitably grimy for a post-apocalytpic show, but it can get a little wearying after a while. So it was nice that it got switched up a little for the scene towards the end of the episode, with the convoy mowing down walkers before disembarking and chopping them up, which had an almost expressionistic use of mist, shadows and red lighting. Besides being visually distinct, it was also thrilling and had some real stakes for the first zombie encounter in a long time. For a minute there it even looked as if Glenn, a mainstay since the very first season, might cark it. Eventually everyone got through, but the sequence was so well choreographed and shot as to be really thrilling.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at