The Walking Dead: 8 Insane Ways The TV Show Should End

1. Happily Ever After

A handful of the endings suggested here could be interpreted as "happy", but what about an actual, classic happy ending? Those are rare in a lot of dramas, especially as there's often a bitter sweet element to them (similarly acclaimed shows like Six Feet Under, The Sopranos, and The Wire are all good examples of that), so a zombie series like this one being the show to embrace them would certainly be different! For The Walking Dead, a happy ending could go in any number of directions. Rick and his family finally finding peace - in a community similar to the one in current issues of the comic book - would be one way to go, especially as that at least points to life finally returning to some level of normalcy after the harrowing events which have plagued them for years. The aforementioned cure or some sort of military help would perhaps feel a little too grand here as it leaves too many unanswered questions; instead, this happy ending would need to wrap up the stories of these characters in a conclusive and satisfying manner. Some might argue that a classic happy ever after style conclusion would be too cheesy or out of place in a series like The Walking Dead, but by the time this series decides to call it quits, it's fair to say that Rick and his friends will have been through more than enough to justify one. There should definitely be some sort of sense of achievement for everything these guys have been through over the years. How do you want The Walking Dead to end? Share your theories and suggestions below in the comments thread.

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