The Walking Dead: 8 Reasons The Season 7 Premiere Was A Failure
4. Going Back To The Source Material...
Avoiding a comparison with The Walking Dead comic is inevitable, and there is one element of the premiere that comes up so short we may as well name it Judith. For those unaware, issue 100 of The Walking Dead comic book features the death of Glenn at the hands of Negan and Lucille in a very similar way. The main difference is that it's just Glenn, and the reason it's just Glenn is because that should be all that is needed to push the story in the desired direction.
If you have crafted the story well enough then one 'main' character death should be sufficient and there is no better example than that of the show versus the book. Glenn's death is mortifying enough to shape the characters whilst progressing the story, and adding in all the various elements of Negan's night in the torture chamber is further proof not only of the premiere's failings but the show as a whole.
One death should be enough and if it isn't then you've moved away from compelling story and into easy entertainment.