The Walking Dead Mid-Season Finale: 3 Ups & 2 Downs From 'Evolution'

1. The New Enemy

The Walking Dead Season 9 The Whisperers

If there's one thing The Walking Dead has struggled with over the past few seasons, then its the ability to create a compelling enemy. The Governor remains the show's best antagonist to date, and unfortunately the highly-anticipated arrival of Negan was unable to live up to the show's former baddie, with the Lucille-wielding tyrant coming off as nothing more than a pantomime villain.

With Negan's reign of terror well and truly defunct, showrunner Angela Kang ensures that The Walking Dead's new source of threat is a terrifying one, by revisiting the undead creatures that walk the earth. The Whisperers are frightful because they're mysterious, and the impending storm that accompanies their arrival in the show - not to mention the graveyard setting and the smoke that surrounds it - only intensifies this mystery.

If the show can stay true to the source material in regards to The Whisperers, then the new antagonists could turn out to be the greatest we've seen on the series thus far. Kang's new direction for the hit AMC series has largely been a success, but Jesus' ridiculously pointless death has shown that there is still a long way to go before the show can be deemed great again, so let's hope The Whisperers can steady this ship - because it's slowly starting to sink once more.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.