The Walking Dead Quiz: How Well Do You Really Remember Beth?
You'll never get 100% on this quiz!

Throughout The Walking Dead, we have seen many characters come and go. Some of them made lasting impressions and became fan favourites, while others were soon forgotten. The question is, in what category does Beth fall into?
It's fair to say that Beth didn't make the most impressive impression during her first appearance on The Walking Dead. She was simultaneously introduced with the rest of her family and it was them, especially her father and sister, who stole the show. That doesn't mean however that Beth made no impact at all.
Her character arc was that of a slow blooming flower. During her stay on the show, we slowly got to know Beth and follow her transition into adulthood. As she bonded with the other survivors, we bonded with Beth. Although it took some time, at some point it was hard to imagine The Walking Dead without her.
Sadly, becoming more liked in The Walking Dead doesn't always mean your character is safe. In the end we had to say goodbye to Beth.
Just how well do you really remember her? Would your knowledge make her proud? Or have you forgotten her completely?
Answers at the end!