The Walking Dead Season 3: 5 Places It Should Go From Here

3. The Utopia Will Become A Dystopia

wdd1 Terrorists attacked, he has a trendy new eyepatch and his dead daughter is now dead forever. To put it lightly, the Governor had a bad day. As if he wasn't a power hungry murderous leader before, it's about to get a lot worse. The public execution of the Dixon brothers (or attempt to) is just the beginning for this dictator as Woodbury is about to see a change in the way the town is run. I'm not entirely sure if he will actually change his ways, as he quickly will murder anyone that looks like they could challenge his power. What I expect to happen is for these tendencies to finally come to light to the citizens, which will cause a lot of discomfort. With this discomfort will come fear, and with this fear will be the loss of the utopia-like state that Woodbury used to have. Now, the city will be one that lives in fear of their leader, one that will be hesitant to do the right thing (whatever that right thing may be during certain situations) and one that will listen to him like obedient dogs. This army the Governor has will now completely outnumber any army that Rick has, but it will be one that doesn't have aim to save its life. Assuming Merle is dead, Woodbury has lost one of their best soldiers, and many other formidable ones died when Michonne killed them out in the woods. After a few battles and defeats from Rick's gang, it'll only be a matter of time before Woodbury turns on their leader and the city will be no more.

22 year-old college student and amateur kickboxer. Creative/Journalistic writing major, and lover of all things UFC, WWE, comic books and video games. Follow me on Twitter/Instagram @thetonestallone