The Walking Dead Season 6: 14 WTF Moments From 'Now'

2. Deanna Snaps

Having seen her husband killed and one son killed, her other son just be a bit of a tool, and her once-safe Alexandria community now up against its toughest test yet after having been attacked by The Wolves, things haven€™t been going well for Deanna lately. And as such, when confronted with a shuffled undead sort, she finally loses it in gloriously gory fashion. Whilst pretty much everyone watching was shouting €œAim for the head!€, Deanna€™s constant stabbing of this walker€™s chest finally took him down and led to her face being beautifully encased in a crimson mask. It€™s only then that Deanna finally comes to terms with how bad things have got, and she apparently hands over the reins of Alexandria to Rick Grimes.
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