The Walking Dead Season 5: First 8 Episodes Ranked Worst To Best

1. No Sanctuary

It took the entire back half of season four for Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Carl to arrive at Terminus and a single episode for the home of Georgia's hungriest cannibals to be forcibly condemned. Almost universally praised as an astounding kickoff to the season and for being one of the series' best episodes, No Sanctuary is an edge-of-your-seat hour of television. From the excruciatingly tense scene at the trough to Carol going Rambo to Daryl's reaction to seeing Carol to the Grimes family being reunited to the surprise reappearance of Morgan, the episode effectively makes its way through the spectrum of everything that makes The Walking Dead so fun to watch. For an episode that starts off so seemingly hopeless for our favorite characters, it all ends with a welcome, cathartic optimism that they -- and we as viewers -- had needed ever since the Governor's traumatic war on the prison. No Sanctuary is full of excellent moments to pick from, setting the season off with an explosively entertaining bang that would end on a far more somber note in Coda. It's set the bar for future season premieres and stands as proof that The Walking Dead can still provide some of the most entertaining hours currently on television.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!