The Walking Dead Season 6: 10 Major Predictions

Zombies, death, and...romance?

The Walking Dead Rick And Daryl

Heading into its sixth season, The Walking Dead is looking stronger than ever. The ratings are unprecedentedly high, it's added a spin-off show that's already enjoying similar success, and perhaps most importantly it remains wildly unpredictable. 

Season 5 started with not just a bang but an explosion, getting Terminus out of the way in episode 1, after it had spent a large part of season 4 building up to it. While I'd argue that wasn't necessarily the best move from a story point of view, it was unquestionably a bold one, and as always meant the audience was on the edge of their seats through the entire season, from the death of Beth through to that dramatic finale. 

It's going to need to pick up all those pieces once again, then no doubt scatter them around, destroy a few more, and build some new ones. There are things you know for sure you're going to get with The Walking Dead now, including lots of action, violence, gore, drama, Daryl being a bad-ass, and Rick not being able to pronounce Carl. 

Outside of that, predicting what's going to happen in any episode, nevermind the whole season, is something of a fool's errand. Which is exactly why I'm now presenting you with ten predictions for The Walking Dead season 6... 

10. More Threatening Walkers

The Walking Dead Rick And Daryl

One of the things The Walking Dead team have done really well - and credit has to go to special effects and make-up guru Greg Nicotero for this - is the way the walkers have been shown in increasing states of decomposition over the years, the gradual rotting away as time passes. 

It's only a small detail, but one that really improves the look of the show and makes their take on zombies stand out. This year we've already seen some glimpses of a few really creepy looking walkers, like Ol' Scarface above, and not only should they be looking scarier, but their actions will be too. While their appearance has got weirder in the last couple of years, it'd be fair to say that they haven't been too dangerous in that time. 

The season premiere is said to have cast around 650 extras to play walkers, which is frankly insane. That indicates there's going to be a huge scale walker attack on Alexandria, and with that many of them about, means that they should be much more of a threat than they have been in recent seasons. 


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.