The Walking Dead Season 6: 10 Things Episode 14 Got Right
Eye-popping drama.

Hands up who nearly fell out of their seat when... you know... that bit... happened? If you're not raising an arm, you're lying. Denise's death may not be the most significant moment in Walking Dead history but in terms of intensity being created out of absolutely nowhere, I'd say it was a real stunner from the show.
It's an enormous shame to lose the character, who was enjoying arguably her strongest episode to date, but the impact of that crossbow bolt and the re-emergence of Dwight was seriously tense. In the end, it could've been so much worse for everyone involved, but Denise paid the heaviest price.
The first big chunk of the episode was solid enough, but a frantic finale proved enough to keep The Walking Dead firmly on track for a largely excellent half-season. Twice As Far got plenty of things right, here are 10 of the best.
10. Morgan's Jail "Choice"

Rick and the survivors are growing steadily more casual with their killing. The sheriff's resorted to blasting enemies without a second thought now, and while that approach may save their lives in the short-term, it could have some worrying effects on their humanity. Morgan may not be Mr Popular around Alexandria, but he actually cares about preserving lives, no matter how twisted they are.
Building the jail cell is a physical reminder that there's another way to go about their business, and provides serious weight to Morgan's arguments for peace. There was always a significant risk in keeping prisoners before, but now there's an airtight jail cell in the area, it's a genuine alternative to killing. It's also a hint that the group are staying in Alexandria beyond the next couple of episodes. Who will occupy the cell?