The Walking Dead Season 6: 12 WTF Moments From 'Here's Not Here'

2. Eastman Killed Wilton

The fate of Crighton Dallas Wilton was left open-ended for the majority of this episode. We€™d heard of Eastman€™s plan to starve him to death, yet we didn€™t find out the end result of that story. Well, until the end of Here€™s Not Here. As Morgan walks through the walker graveyard, we catch a glimpse of a headstone with Wilton€™s name on it. That€™s after Eastman€™s reveal that, yes, he did indeed kidnap Wilton and then proceeded to starve him to death, which took 47 days. Even then, though, Eastman gave this most evil of men a resting place, echoing again his sentiments of all life being precious.
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