The Walking Dead Season 6: 12 WTF Moments From 'Here's Not Here'

9. Morgan Vs. Eastman

By this point of the episode, we€™ve come to realise that Eastman really is a good sort. As he put it himself, Morgan fired a gun at him yet he returned the favour by feeding him. Many were likely waiting for the moment that Morgan got free and killed Eastman, yet for a second that thought process was left behind as Eastman gives an excellent and heartfelt speech to Morgan about his past and the doors that he needs to keep opening, even going as far as to offer him a place in his house. So after that diatribe, surely Morgan will have softened and had a change of heart, right? Of course not! This is The Walking Dead we€™re talking about, where everybody has their own agenda and things often end in the grimmest way possible. As such, Morgan promptly leaves his cell and attempts to kill Eastman, who unceremoniously schools his €˜prisoner€™.
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