The Walking Dead Season 6: 13 WTF Moments From 'The Same Boat'

4. Carol€™s Afraid Of Carol

As The Same Boat progresses, it now all of a sudden becomes clear that, yes, Carol was very much afraid when she was tied up earlier and it wasn€™t a façade or trick whatsoever. The reason she€™s afraid, though, isn€™t because she fears death. No, it€™s because she fears herself. Having transformed from timid, abused housewife and mother into a cold, remorseless killing machine since we first met her, it seems that it€™s only now, particularly after having talked to Paula and heard her story, that Carol gets a full realisation of what she has become. She was afraid because she knew that given the chance, she€™d kill Paula and her group of fellow Saviors without blinking an eye, and this is something that has suddenly hit home with Carol. As a result, several times we see her tell Paula to run, with her seemingly hesitant to kill her before finally skewering her and watching her have her throat ripped out by a walker.
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