The Walking Dead Season 6: 13 WTF Moments From 'The Same Boat'

9. We Are All Negan

Hmmm, well this is an interesting one. In a Spartacus-like move, it seems as if The Saviors are all going under the name of Negan, as if Negan is a greater force and more than just one man. Now in the comic book Walking Dead realm, Negan is very much just one man €“ one thoroughly nasty b*stard of a man who has a hard-on for using a barbwire-infused baseball bat €“ but could it be that AMC€™s show takes a different route with Negan? Whilst it could be great to see an €œI€™m Negan€, €œNo, I€™m Negan€, €œNo, I€™m definitely Negan€ sort of scene play out - which almost makes it sound more Life of Brian than Spartacus - chances are that there is indeed just one man called Negan, and that€™s the role played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Expect him to turn up as this sixth season comes to a close, but it€™s still a surprising twist to see that The Saviors all refer to themselves as Negan.
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