The Walking Dead Season 6: 14 WTF Moments From 'JSS'

It all hits the fan in one of the most brutal and bloody episodes to date!

Last week€™s season opener was a solid return for The Walking Dead, although at times it felt as if it was setting things up for what was just around the corner. Well, we€™ve certainly been dragged hard round that corner and given a ferocious, intense and violent episode with JSS. Bloodshed and savagery were the order of the day as Alexandria came under attack from the much-anticipated Wolves and The Walking Dead turned up the action to 11. With plenty of WTF moments dotted throughout its runtime, JSS saw the sh*t well and truly hit the fan a little sooner than some of us thought. Sure, Season 6 was always going to feature the safe haven of Alexandria take a battering at some point, but the frenetic and energetic way in which it all kicked off in just the season€™s second episode was alarming yet exciting. So with that said, here€™s some of the most shocking moments that JSS had to offer.

14. Enid's Story

Until now, many have seen Enid as a stroppy teenager who likely listens to too much My Chemical Romance, but the cold, hard opening of JSS saw us get a glimpse into the poor girl€™s backstory. Showing us a snippet of how Enid€™s parents ended up as walker chow, JSS delivered an impactful opening that highlighted how brutal the walkers can be at times. This world is one that has certainly gone to the dogs, and the sudden (and likely gruesome) demise of Enid€™s parents only served to reinforce how quickly things can change. Added to that, this opening was one of the more memorable and hard-hitting opening of any Walking Dead episode to date.
Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Once described as the Swiss Army Knife of WhatCulture, Andrew can usually be found writing, editing, or presenting on a wide range of topics. As a lifelong wrestling fan, horror obsessive, and comic book nerd, he's been covering those topics professionally as far back as 2010. In addition to his current WhatCulture role of Senior Content Producer, Andrew previously spent nearly a decade as Online Editor and Lead Writer for the world's longest-running genre publication, Starburst Magazine, and his work has also been featured on BBC, TechRadar, Tom's Guide, WhatToWatch, Sportkskeeda, and various other outlets, in addition to being a Rotten Tomatoes-approved film critic. Between his main day job, his role as the lead panel host of Wales Comic Con, and his gig as a pre-match host for Wrexham AFC games, Andrew has also carried out a hugely varied amount of interviews, from the likes of Robert Englund, Kane Hodder, Adrienne Barbeau, Rob Zombie, Katharine Isabelle, Leigh Whannell, Bruce Campbell, and Tony Todd, to Kevin Smith, Ron Perlman, Elijah Wood, Giancarlo Esposito, Simon Pegg, Charlie Cox, the Russo Brothers, and Brian Blessed, to Kevin Conroy, Paul Dini, Tara Strong, Will Friedle, Burt Ward, Andrea Romano, Frank Miller, and Rob Liefeld, to Bret Hart, Sting, Mick Foley, Ricky Starks, Jamie Hayer, Britt Baker, Eric Bischoff, and William Regal, to Mickey Thomas, Joey Jones, Phil Parkinson, Brian Flynn, Denis Smith, Gary Bennett, Karl Connolly, and Bryan Robson - and that's just the tip of an ever-expanding iceberg. Where his beloved Wrexham AFC is concerned, Andrew is co-host of the Fearless in Devotion podcast, which won the Club Podcast of the Year gong at the 2024 FSA Awards.