The Walking Dead Season 7: 10 Things You Might've Missed In The Comic-Con Trailer

1. A Potential Clue

Negan Little Pig Walking Dead

Ok, this one is a little hazy, and with a couple of different schools of thought on it. In the trailer, when we see a shot of Negan - from behind - laying waste to one of the 11 potential characters he might be killing, there's someone who appears in shot - they look like they have medium-long blonde hair, but not much else can be made out.

Because of the hair, there's the suggestion that this is Dwight, who was standing behind the group in the Season 6 finale. if that this is the case, and Negan's killing the person right where they were kneeling, then it makes the candidates those who Dwight was behind: Michonne, Abraham, or Maggie. Of those, Abraham is the most likely (indeed he's been my #1 suspect since before the cliffhanger even happened, and that hasn't changed yet).

The other possibility is that Negan has the chosen person dragged into the middle of the clearing, as a means of really making it a show, and then the person appearing might be one of the others kneeling (some theories posit Rosita).

It's all fun speculation if nothing else, and it's all we've got until the truth is finally revealed at the end of October.

Did you spot anything else in the Comic-Con trailer? Share your finds down in the comments.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.