The Walking Dead Season 8: 7 Ways To Win Back The Fans

2. Hints Of A Cure

The Walking Dead Season 8

Have the survivors come to accept that their zombified surroundings is the fate of the entire world? Additionally, have the viewers come to accept that there is no return to normality?

Not since Season Two’s talk of travelling to Fort Benning has the thought of finding a cure for the virus been prevalent in the plot. In the Season One finale, Dr Edwin Jenner reveals that scientists in France were close to making a breakthrough before contact was lost.

Does that mean France is infected? Not necessarily. The geography of The Walking Dead (and spin-off Fear) means that we only know for certain about the United States and Mexico. Although the virus has undoubtedly spread much further afield (otherwise a rescue mission would be relatively simple), there may still be unaffected areas of the world where the gang could take refuge.

Graphic novel creator Robert Kirkman has said that he wants the show to continue for 12 seasons, so perhaps it is a little early to be shaping an end game. But just a hint, the word of a passing stranger, that somewhere in the world there is a safe place for Rick and friends to restart their lives, would be enough to re-engage some fans who had become disillusioned.

This show relies on hope, and isn’t finding a cure the biggest hope of all?


Sports Journalism graduate. Writer on football, WWE, film and TV. The greatest TV show ever is The West Wing, and the greatest footballer ever is Harry Kane. One of those claims carries greater weight than the other. Disagree? Discuss with me on Twitter @JoeFish08