The Walking Dead Season 9: 5 Ups & 1 Down From 'What Comes After'


1. The Attempt To Convince Viewers That Rick Isn't The Main Character

Rick The Walking Dead Farwell

While What Comes After proves to be one of the best Walking Dead episodes we've had in quite some time, there was one annoying little detail that we simply couldn't ignore. During a fantasy sequence, Rick finds himself surrounded by the bodies of all of his lost friends. Sasha's corpse re-animates (in a good way), and tells Rick that it's okay that all of these people are dead because he's done his part for the greater good, as she did hers. She reminds him that this isn't "the end of everything" as it's not only about one person.

While the scene is spectacularly put together, (the CGI is much stronger than that used to create the trash heap in Season 7) and it's lovely to see Sasha again, it's hard to ignore the fact that this is clearly the writers' attempt to convince the viewer that the show isn't just about Rick.

Regardless of how well the episode writes the character out, and no matter how good the future episodes might prove to be, the fact of the matter is that The Walking Dead was always about Rick. He's the reason the show exists in the first place, and it's been his point of view that we've experienced about 90% of events from.

No matter what happens moving forward, the show will always be remembered because of what it accomplished in the earlier seasons when Rick Grimes was the protagonist, and even though What Comes After tries to tell us otherwise, there's no changing that.

What did you make of Rick Grimes' departure? Tell us in the comment section below.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.