The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Review - 5 Ups & 5 Downs From "Become"

9. Down: The Dull Side Characters

The Ones Who Live

The Walking Dead has always been vague about how much time has passed since the world came to an end, but most estimations - from fans to the show's writers - is that about 13-15 years has gone by since Rick Grimes woke from his coma. 

In that time, we've met a lot of characters, who often fall into one of three categories: protagonists with a distinguishable character arc; canon fodder; and brief obstacles. "Become" features the latter of these players in a big way, as Rick and Michonne come across a group of survivors we've seen approximately one thousand times before. 

Yes, after 15 years or so, we've still got unprepared, scared, dishevelled groups of wanderers walking through the woods, asking for help and turning into one-note villains for one episode only. 

This isn't to knock the actors in play here, but watching Rick and Michonne come into contact with another gaggle of survivors who decide to play the baddie because "things are hard" is so unoriginal and unchallenging that it's almost amusing. 

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I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.