If you're an X-Files fan, you know the drill by now: nothing is ever simple. There are no firm endings, just open endings and more questions and what ifs. No one ever really dies on The X-Files. And the truth always remains out there - just out of reach. Tantalizingly so. The recent revival, in the form of a shortened tenth season, was no exception. With just six episodes produced, it had a lot of ground to fill - more than was realistically possible, frankly. Fans had high hopes, and while the six new episodes didn't all live up to those lofty expectations, there were some memorable moments, some shocks, some surprise returns - and, of course, precious few answers. Which means we have questions. Plenty of questions. Are you listening, Chris Carter? Thanks to stellar ratings that saw over fifty million viewers worldwide watch the premiere episodes alone, The X-Files will likely be back at some point, with Mulder and Scully in tow. The story isn't over yet, and be it another season or a third big screen movie, there are more truths to be uncovered. And maybe then, we'll get those answers. In the meantime - here are the questions, ten of them at least, that we're left with after The X-Files revival.
Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.