The X-Files: 10 Reasons Why It Ruled Our TV Screens

5. Fight the Future

Fight The Future Several television shows have been adapted to film, most often being loosely based off the source material, but The X-Files is one of the few shows to have a feature film hit theaters while it is still on the air. Not only that, but The X-Files film actually fed into the show's mythology, building off of the plot previously established in the series' first 5 seasons. What was very notable about the film, though, is you did not need much prior knowledge of X-Files' complex story. When I first watched it I was young and hadn't watched every single episode every single night it was on, yet that didn't cause me to become confused at any point during the film and I know it was the same for others who never watched the show. Carter and all involved made the X-Files film as accessible as possible so as not to bog down the viewers with details of the show's history, while at the same time advancing the series' main story. Not an easy feat to accomplish, but one which worked out quite well.
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The X-Files
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Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.