The X-Files: 10 Stars Before They Hit The Big Time

1. Shia LaBeouf

SLBBest Known For "Transformers", "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Appears In "The Goldberg Variation" 1999 LaBeouf plays a young boy with a rare blood type who€™s diagnosed with hepatitis and needs $100,000 for treatment. Fortunately, his landlord, Henry Weems, is the luckiest man on earth who is using his power to raise the money required. Weems€™ luck comes at the cost of someone else€™s misfortune, so raising the funds isn€™t as simple as it sounds. Luckily for LaBeouf, the death of one of the men after Weems ensures his survival as he happens to be the perfect match for the rare blood type required. Spotted any other famous faces starting their career in The X-Files? Let me know in the comments section below!
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My favourite films are The Big Lebowski closely followed by Jurassic Park. That should tell you everything you need to know about me.