The X-Files Season 11: 10 Things We Learned From The New Trailer

1. The Search For William Will Be Key This Season

The X-Files Season 11

Love him or hate him, William has become a big part of The X-Files mythology, even if we haven't seen him for years. Even if Mulder and Scully haven't seen their son for years, for that matter.

William was the child of Mulder and Scully introduced in the show during its later seasons, starting with Scully's pregnancy in season seven. It wasn't necessarily a popular decision to give the couple a child, and half the fan base was completely disinterested in the pair being an official couple in the first place. Ultimately, it was written into the show that Scully would give up her son, who displayed telekinetic powers and was possibly part alien, to keep him safe.

That said, William may now hold the key to the future of humanity, something the new trailer makes clear. Meeting with this new "syndicate" character who debuts in the trailer, Mulder is told that the boy is needed, that he is "a very special child" - to which Fox Mulder answers that his son is none of their business.

It doesn't look like Mulder (or Scully) will be able to protect William for much longer, however.

While we never saw the boy in more than a vision or two in season ten, it looks like William will likely return on screen this year. What he'll be like is anyone's guess.

Watch the trailer for yourself below:

What did you learn from the new X-Files trailer? Let us know in the comments section below.


Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.