Titans Season 2: 7 Ups & 2 Downs From ‘Deathstroke’


2. "Besides, It Wasn't Her Fault"

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DC Universe

Before we begin, it should be said that the conflict amongst Titans teammates was one of the episode's best attributes. Unfortunately, the way that Rachel and Gar's verbal showdown started just felt a little, well, contrived.

Upset that Rose wasn't showing any interest in finding Jason, Gar turned to Rachel to vent, only for her to tell him to leave Slade's daughter alone, adding "besides, it wasn't her fault".

A beautiful leading line of dialogue designed to start a confrontation even though the speaker claimed otherwise, and it would have been fine if it didn't just come out of nowhere. Rachel was never the subtext kind of girl and, given that she went rogue and ran away many times throughout the first season, you would think that she'd been a little less quick to judge Gar for his and Jason's actions. Also, it's Gar - the one person she would never blame for anything (even if it was partially his fault).

This might be a minor gripe, but given that their war of words was so wonderful, it should have had a more natural transition. This line stuck out like a sore thumb and felt like it was used to force conflict - conflict that didn't need to be forced in the first place.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.