Top 25 Sitcom Christmas Specials

2. Father Ted €“ A Christmassy Ted

While Christmas shopping, Ted rescues a group of priests who are lost in a department store€™s lingerie section, a feat which earns him the prestigious Golden Cleric award. This one€™s a real modern classic. It stands up to being rewatched multiple times and its increased runtime allows the writers to work with larger storylines and extended running gags, particularly Mrs Doyle€™s devastation at being given a team-making machine for Christmas. Although a lot of the jokes are plot-driven, focussing on Ted€™s increased narcissism when he wins the award, there are a lot more that are more character-focussed, expertly taking these completely insane characters and seeing how Christmas reacts with their personalities. Surprisingly there€™s very little focus on the priests€™ duties at Christmas but that doesn€™t detract from the episode significantly. The story feels a bit stretched at times but the jokes are always of a high enough standard to keep that from mattering, with Frank Kelly (Father Jack) getting some of the best jokes. Best Moment: Ted and Dougal leading six priests on an escape from Ireland€™s largest lingerie department.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.