Top 25 Sitcom Christmas Specials

22. How I Met Your Mother €“ How Lily Stole Christmas (CBS, 2006)

Lily discovers an answering machine message in which Ted calls her a €˜Grinch€™ (Future Ted€™s euphemism for a very bad word). As revenge, she steals all of his Christmas decorations. Parodies of The Grinch are pretty common but this one is actually quite inventive and uses the bare bones of The Grinch€™s plot to build a more character driven story. A really clever plot device is that since Ted is telling the story to his children in the future (the framing device of the entire show), he replaces very instance of the offending word (It€™s four letters long and begins with C) with 'Grinch'. Not only does it allow the show€™s writers to get the story across without falling foul of the censors, it also allows for scenes like Ted€™s cousins (all of whom are younger than ten and have incredibly strict Christian parents) saying the word €˜Grinch€™ over and over again. It may seem juvenile that this is why I think this episode is so funny but it€™s really the context that elevates it above just being crude. As well as that, overall there€™s some good character moments and it€™s a decent personal story between Lily and Ted. It€™s not as Christmassy as it could have been but it€™s still very funny. Best Moment: The reactions from incidental characters whenever Ted says €˜Grinch€™.
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JG Moore is a writer and filmmaker from the south of England. He also works as an editor and VFX artist, and has a BA in Media Production from the University Of Winchester.