Top 5 South Park Episodes of All Time

4. The New Terrence and Phillip Movie Trailer

Sometimes keeping it simple can produce the best results, and that is definitely a great example. This episode may not be the cleverest comedy show to have aired on television over the years, but why would that matter when it€™s primary aim is to make its audience laugh €“ which it does in bundles. The boys have gifted us with some brilliant and hilarious moments in the past, but they play second fiddle in this episode to Russell Crowe €“ €œmaking movies, making songs and fighting round the world€. There really isn€™t too much to say about this episode, as it is literally just Russell Crowe fighting people in different countries, and then his tugboat €œTugger€ resorting to attempt suicide to avoid having to listen to Russell€™s songs. Some would call it stupid. I call it comedy gold.
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Danny - 29, love gaming, sport and movies. Please let me know if you have an issue with any of my opinions and I will duly ignore them