True Detective Season 3 Ending: 4 Biggest Unanswered Questions (& 8 Actually Explained)

8. Answered: What Does Henry Keeping The Address Mean?

True Detective Questions

Wayne finds the house, forgets why he’s there, calls his son, and Henry and Becca come to pick him up. Once they make it home and just before the unexpected happiness that is the ending, Henry finds the address of Mike Ardoin and his wife. Instead of tossing it or brushing it by, he sticks the address in his pocket.

Fans have speculated that this means Henry will follow in his father’s footsteps and finally end the case for good. To their delight, Pizzolatto had something to add; when asked, “Does the address note make its way to the television producer?” (since it’s briefly revealed that Henry and Elisa are having relations) the creator answered, “No. They’re done with her. But Henry’s a brilliant detective... (which was demonstrated in a deleted scene. Sigh.)” Pretty cheeky to answer an ambiguous question with an ambiguous question, but damn well-played.


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