True Or False: The Office Season One
"You Miss 100% Of The Questions You Don't Try" - WhatCulture.

Through sheer force of great writing and Netflix binging, The Office has managed to consistently remain in the top tier when it comes to comedic entertainment. While the US adaptation ended up blowing the UK original out of the water in terms of longevity and overall quality, the grass wasn't always looking so green in the States.
While Season One isn't "bad" per say, it's pretty easy to tell there's a disconnect between this and all other seasons of The Office. Between weak production and a lack of identity, things didn't originally look so hot for the pseudo-reboot. Thankfully, as time passed and quality increased, the show would go on to much bigger and brighter spots than the few episodes we were given to start out on.
Despite its general lack of popularity, the first season still played a very important role in planting all the seeds that eventually grew into the humongous show we know and love today.
So, to the most die-hard Office fans who think they know this season like the back of their hand, the challenge is on the table: how well do you really know the first season of The Office?