Twin Peaks Season 3: 30 WTF Moments From The Return Parts 1 And 2

14. Yet More Things Happen

Dark Cooper

Are you keeping up? Because there's going to be a test at the end. Phyllis gets him from the county jail and finds Bad Coop - I want to call him The Coopleganger but the rest of the office won't have it - waiting in her house.

Given that he's standing in the dark in an otherwise locked house, she doesn't seem *that* shocked to see him. There's more than an implication of familiarity, and he tells her she "did good". He then pulls out George's gun (you remember, George is her husband's lawyer who she's having the affair with while he's been going at it with the now headless librarian he dreamed about on the night of her death) and shoots her.

The plot, at this point is thicker than, school mince.

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