Twin Peaks Season 3: 30 WTF Moments From The Return Parts 1 And 2

6. I Don't Even Know Where To Begin With This Bit

Coop Magic Box

Coop then pulls a magic FBI briefcase out and calls Phillip Jefferies from Fire Walk With Me. Although does he? Because there's clearly something wrong in the conversation and the voice on the end of the phone tells him that "you're going back in tomorrow and I will be with Bob again".

He then hatches a plan and tells some people they need to be in a certain place at a certain time.

Do you have any idea what my notes looked like at this point? Do you have any idea how much scribbling and underlining I'd done to make sure I didn't miss anything? I cannot remember the faces of my loved ones, merely the intricacies and overlaps of these two episodes of Twin Peaks.

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