Umbrella Academy: 14 Standout Moments From Season 1

7. The Ghost Of Ben

Umbrella Academy Vanya Allison

Other than the fact that his superpowers allow him to shoot demons out of his stomach and that he's dead, we don't really know much about Number Six a.k.a Ben. However, since Klaus is able to see the dead we do get a few opportunities to get to know what 'The Horror' is like.

We get a good glimpse of him putting his powers into action in the first episode, but the most interesting time we have with Ben is when he's helping Klaus through his drug withdrawal symptoms. Not only do we find out that Klaus uses the drugs as a way of literally keeping away the demons inside of his head because of his superpower, but we also witness the only real brotherly bond in the show.

Maybe it's because Ben is a victim of circumstance and the only reason he and Klaus are as tight as they're is because of his powers. However, while everyone else dismisses and treats Klaus like he's a complete loser, Ben is able to show his brother the love, care and support he needs during his darkest moment and even afterwards too.


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.