Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Or 30 Rock Quiz: Who Said It – Kimmy Or Liz?

There's a donut in it for you if you get it right.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt 30 Rock

Just two years after 30 Rock went off the air and ended its glorious seven-season run, Tina Fey embarked on a new project and created the show we now know as Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

The show’s titular character is played by the impossibly charming Ellie Kemper and has a lot of similarities with Liz Lemon, Fey’s character from 30 Rock. They are both trying their hardest to be independent women and face the challenges of a fast-paced world, but they both sometimes just want to lay on the couch and eat some pancakes or watch a bit of Frasier.

Make no mistake, they are two unique and fully fleshed-out characters, each in her own right, but sometimes you can just see some of those same quirks come out of both of them. Tina Fey has a very unique and recognisable sense of humour, and it comes in her writing, so it’s no surprise that some of her characters will share a trait or two.

With 30 Rock and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt now off the air, a lot of their funniest quotes have become kind of mixed together in our heads, and it’s not as easy as you think to tell them apart. Can you match all fifteen of these to the right girl?

1. "A Female Dog? The Thing That Makes Puppies? Nice Compliment."


Big fan of TV shows, music, and indie films. Gets too emotional when watching football. Secretly thinks he could run a Premier League club based only on his time spent playing Football Manager.