Episode 5 of the current series of
Undercover Boss saw the chief of npower, Kevin McCullough, head undercover to see what goes on behinds the scenes of what is one of the UK's top utility companies. In addition to visiting a call-centre in the North-East and a under-threat power plant, McCullough met Kyle - a meter installer from Leeds. But it wasn't Kyle's meter-fitting skills which caught the attention, it was his remarkable resemblance for TV funny-man Peter Kay. npower bosses had clearly spotted the potential in Kyle, or indeed his good looks, and quickly snapped him up as the new face of the energy giants advertising campaigns. "We'd like you to be on all of the new npower marketing literature." said McCullough. "It's a good face" And for npower it certainly was. The brand, and indeed Peter Kay, spent much of yesterday evening trending on Twitter following the broadcast.

"My face being the face of npower... I think it'll be quite good. The head of npower recognising a meter-fixer from Leeds and recongising that I do a good job - you can't get any higher than that."