The Walking Dead: 10 Most Brutal Deaths To Date

7. Sophia Peletier

Appears In: TV Show Cause Of Death: Bitten By Walker One of the only other times in the TV series that we are made to endure the horrible sight of a main character in a zombified state is with Carol's young daughter, Sophia. Sophia disappears from the group early in Season 2 despite Rick's clear instructions to sit where he says while he goes to bust some zombies. In an incredibly infuriating move, Sophia decides to wander off like any dumb kid would and she isn't seen again. Her disappearance is a major plot point in Season 2 as many of the main characters spend a bit more time than realistically warranted trying to look for her, even when it becomes all too apparent that she's probably not coming back. On the search, Rick and the group run into Hershel on his farm. While getting familiar with their surroundings it is found that a number of walkers are being kept in the farm's barn. Local hothead Shane decides in dramatic fashion to release the walkers so the literal skeletons in the Greene family closet can be exposed and subsequently killed. After all the walkers seem to be disposed of, one last geek slowly creeps out. Into the warm sunlight stumbles little Sophia. It is a massive reveal in the series and another heart-shattering moment punctuated with the brilliant yet horribly realistic reactions of pure despair from her mother Carol. Why It's So Brutal It's the sickening realization that the little girl spent her last days hungry, scared and alone before being bitten and turning, finally being found and captured by Hershel's ranch hand, Otis, that really makes this death all the more tragic and why it makes the list.

Hamish Kearvell hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.