The Walking Dead: 10 Questions And Answers To Current Mysteries

3. What Was The Mysterious Radio Transmission?

While out on a supply run for the prison during the flu epidemic, Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese and Bob all briefly heard a mysterious radio transmission while driving along in a car. The transmission briefly mentioned "sanctuary" which can only be assumed as a place of refuge for those looking for it. There's no denying that so far the Walking Dead has been about our survivors bouncing from one location to another and trying to find the ultimate safe haven. Whether fans take the literal translation of the word sanctuary and reference it to the meaning it has in the comic book, I have to say that going off of what the producers have said, we're just not there yet. Sorry, trying to keep things spoiler free for those who read the comic and those who just follow the show. The radio transmission has to be in regards to where we see all of our survivors currently heading. There's been reference to a place called Terminus that is connected to train tracks. We saw Carol, Tyreese, and the kids read a sign and follow those tracks. We also saw Carl, Rick, and Michonne also read a sign mentioning this place. I believe that the radio transmission that Daryl and company also heard is the same place and by seasons end, we'll see mostly everyone reunited at this location.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw