The Walking Dead 4.1, "30 Days Without An Accident" Review

Hallelujah, It's Raining Walkers!

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On his trusty motorcycle, Daryl leads a group consisting of Michonne, Glenn, Sasha, Tyreese, army medic (and possible alcoholic) Bob, and Walker-bait Zach to a wholesale store that has remained untouched in the months since the dead first began to walk. To the show's credit, there is an actual explanation for why the warehouse has not already been looted (as well as how a helicopter and dozens of Walkers ended up on the roof). The Cost-faux was previously fenced in by the army as a safe-haven for civilians; the plan obviously backfired, and the entire area had been crawling with Walkers until the prison team drew them out with a few car batteries and a boom box. Now, Team Prison can loot to their hearts' delight with minimal danger. What a great day this will be!

The group breaks in and each heads in a separate direction. Michonne goes for food (and decapitates a cardboard monster on principle), Bob goes for alcohol, Glenn inexplicably wanders the electronics aisle as he ponders potential parenthood, and Daryl is probably somewhere off-screen replenishing his endless supply of crossbow bolts. In karmic retribution for not going for the good stuff right away, Bob accidentally knocks over a shelf of cheap wine, trapping himself underneath and making a a whole lot of noise. Then, something happens that makes me forgive any contrivances that might have led the characters to this point: the Walkers who had been aimlessly shambling on the roof become animated by the commotion and begin to fall through the ceiling, one of them ending up suspended on the debris by his own rotting intestines.

Naturally, everybody starts freaking out and trying to get the hell out of there. Glenn is bitten on the forearm but saved by a layer of body armor, mithril-style. Zach was not, however, and the Walker bite to his leg was enough to take him down. As he dies in agony, the military helicopter that had been on the roof begins to crash down into the store and on top of Bob, and it is only by the skin of their teeth that they (except for Zach, who is left to be torn to shreds) make it out.

It is a defeated and unhappy group that makes it back to the prison. Tyreese goes to Karen to tell her that he doesn't like going on runs or stabbing Walkers through fences; Glenn goes to Maggie, where he discovers that she is not pregnant but would not object if she were; and poor Daryl goes to break the news of Zach's death to Beth. Beth does not have much of a reaction to the news, but she gives Daryl a nice little hug when he expresses his sadness at the fact that they keep losing people. Whether this is because she is an opportunist who has long wanted an excuse to hug Daryl or because she genuinely felt for him, Daryl actually reciprocates another human's gesture of affection and slightly returns the hug, thus proving that he really was upset.


Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .