The Walking Dead 4.4, "Indifference" Recap And Review

Daryl And Michonne Outside, Tyreese and Michonne clear branches off of the van. Michonne tells Tyreese that he should not have been so reckless and that she doesn't want him to get himself killed over nothing. Tyreese takes this as an invitation to yell some more. "I know you're pissed. You have every reason to be," she says, stopping him mid-rant. "Of course I'm pissed! We're going to all this effort to clear off this van, and it's not even a Hyundai!" bellows Tyreese. "Of course it's not a Hyundai. Nobody in their right mind would ever abandon a Hyundai," counters Michonne, "but anger makes you stupid, and stupid gets you killed." Tyreese asks if she isn't still mad at the Governor. She answers that she would kill him if she could, but she's not angry anymore...and she doesn't know why she's still hunting him. They finish clearing the car. Tyreese and Michonne take a break while Daryl installs the new car battery. He and Bob are both smoking, so they were evidently too busy raiding the cigarette counter to go for the batteries. Remember that when your flashlights die, guys. Daryl asks Bob about his life before he'd joined them at the prison. He was the last man standing in two groups, Bob confides, and he was so tired of watching others die that he nearly kept walking away when Daryl found him on the road. He then confesses that he is an alcoholic, and his need for alcohol was what took him on the run to the Big Spot and ultimately cost Zach his life. Zach's death was his fault, says Bob gloomily. "That's bulls**t," says Daryl, as eloquent as always. He tells Bob to try the car, which starts immediately. He whistles to Michonne and Tyreese, then tells Bob that what happened to Zach was nobody's fault. Team Badass (and Bob and Tyreese) finally make it to the veterinary college. They locate the proper room and start searching for the medications on Hershel's list. I yell at them to forget the list and just take everything. Bob finds a full bottle of whiskey and slides it into his bag. From his expression, I gather that whiskey was not on the list. He then joins Michonne at the drug cabinet, where he tells her to grab any medication that ends in "-cilin" or "-cin." Or, you know, grab everything. Also, because it will be relevant later, Bob actually does pack up a number of medications to bring back to the prison. He just happens to pack them in Michonne's bag. Anyway, Daryl and Tyreese appear, having found the requested equipment. The foursome begins to look for an exit. For some reason, they apparently cannot go out the way that they came in. Maybe they got lost as they wandered around the aisles of useful stuff that they weren't going to bother to loot. Daryl Hallway They go through a back door, which turns out to be a huge mistake as they are soon swarmed by zombies from all directions. Michonne gets the Zombie Kill(s) Of The Week as she slices off the tops of two Walker heads with a single swing of her katana. She and the others are trapped in a corner, however, so Tyreese throws a fire extinguisher through a window, and they leap one by one down onto the roof of an adjacent walkway. Bob goes last and stumbles on his landing, nearly plummeting to the ground. His arm dangles over the edge, and Walkers tug at the bag in his hand to try to pull him down. Team Badass (and Tyreese, who has somewhat redeemed himself with the fire extinguisher trick) tries to yank him up, and they yell at him to drop the bag. Bob heroically refuses to do so, theoretically not willing to lose the drugs that could save lives back at the prison. After a few harrowing moments, he manages to free his arm and fling the bag behind them all onto the roof of the walkway. Fortunately, he has not been bitten. Less fortunately, his bag landed with a distinct clink that did not go undetected. Before Bob can do anything, Daryl rips open his bag and discovers the bottle of whiskey. He discovers the bottle of whiskey...and nothing else. Daryl is slightly displeased. "You shoulda kept walkin' that day," he spits. He reels back to hurl the bottle and smash it into bits on the concrete. You go, Daryl. Bob disagrees with me. "Don't," he says, and he puts his hand on his gun. Oh, Bob. Trying to intimidate Daryl with a holstered handgun? That's almost adorable. Screen Shot 2013 11 04 At 11 11 25 Pm Daryl storms right up to Bob and quite literally gets in his face, going nose to nose with him before yanking Bob's gun right out of the holster. Tyreese's eyes are huge. When Daryl refuses to back down, however, and grabs a fistful of Bob's shirt, Tyreese bravely tells him to let it go. Daryl releases Bob, although his eyes are still basically filled with jasper-colored death. "I didn't want to hurt nobody," says Bob, terrified and humiliated. "It was just for when it gets quiet." At that, Daryl furiously shoves the bottle onto Bob's chest. "You take one sip before those meds get in our people, I will beat your ass into the ground," he growls. Daryl turns around to pick up his crossbow, and even Michonne steps away from him. That was so scary. And amazing. Later, on the outskirts of the campus, the foursome has packed up their hot-wired van with the medical supplies. Michonne, Tyreese, and Bob huddle around a map and debate their route back to the prison. Daryl sits in the passenger seat with the door open, deliberately apart as he fiddles with the piece of jasper from the forest. The other three settle on a course, and Tyreese approaches to tell Daryl the plan. "I heard," snaps Daryl, and his tone is hilariously bitchy. Michonne climbs into the driver's seat and sits very still for a moment before she speaks. "You were right what you said before, about the trail going cold. I don't need to go out anymore," she tells Daryl. "Good," he says. sounds like somebody might be warming up to my Daryl/Michonne badass uber-baby idea. Michonne starts the car. She drives, completely focused. Tyreese looks out the window. Daryl is contemplative as he plays with the jasper. Bob just looks miserable. Yep. That's the end of a road trip, alright.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .