The Walking Dead: 5 Characters That Should Die (And 5 That Shouldn't)

4. Carl

Carl Wali On the opposite end of the spectrum, there has been a lot of anti-Carl sentiment online during the show's run. I completely disagree with people that think he should be killed off. His character offers the unique experience and perspective of someone who has literally grown up in the zombie apocalypse, and the way that has formed his survivalist mentality. Carl has learned from his father and what he has witnessed to do what needs to be done--without hesitation. Whether it's putting his own mother out of her unavoidable misery or taking out an enemy even though the enemy was surrendering his weapon. He was forced to grow up fast and now has his own story to tell. And going back to the comics, Carl hasn't come close to reaching his character's full potential. I expect him to grow even more in that direction this season.

Obsessive fan of film, TV, books, comics, music, podcasts, and more. I celebrate all things nerdy--especially Star Wars. I'm an avid collector of memorabilia and vinyl records. I'm a freelance writer and ranter, residing in Seattle WA. Follow me on twitter @JakeSkywalker33