2. The Newbies Got Some Game
What the hell is Tyrese going to do now that his girlfriend has been lit on fire? Wow, that is an awesome place to start someone in a season. For Tyrese, it is his real introduction. Last season he was barely on screen. This comic favorite looks to be a potential stand out this season. He is feeling out of place in this apocalyptic world, and he hates it. Now, the world has smashed over his head. The potential is frighteningly good. Is this man a ticking time bomb? Or another one who just can't cut it. Now who is being melodramatic. Then there is Bob Stockey. He is an military guy who obviously had a drinking problem. Fans of the novels will know of said drinking problem and its terrible repercussions. If the TV show goes down that road, at all it could be bad news for our group. Finally, we have our little girls Lizzie and Mika. On top of being an anchor for Carol (She is soooo happy to have kids again), these little girls can show us a different kids point of view than Carl was able to. Lizzie needed to learn not to name the zombies. Little kids would have to learn this. They bring an innocence but also a foreboding. When Mika told Carol that her sister was "funny in the head", another wide range of possible dangers opened up. And these new characters plus their old counterparts have a new focus...