The Walking Dead: 5 Reasons You're Better Off Reading The Comic

1. Consistency

She's whispering ideas for season 4 Frank Darabont's term as show-runner brought two seasons of gripping zombie terror that was muddled by one dimensional characters stuck in their environment. Glenn Mazzara's reign imbued the first half of season 3 with a renewed enthusiasm and set up new threats, only to see them fizzle out in the second half of the season. With Scott Gimple as the new show-runner, so far the pacing has slowed down to a crawl, making the first half of the season feel like padding until the mid-season finale. Even the recent mid-season finale, while action packed, was basically about how the third season should have ended. Now eight episodes too late, the climactic episode has opened up new possibilities for where the characters will go now, but left the demise of a big-time character like The Governor feel underwhelming. With all of the highs and lows the show has experienced over the past three and a half seasons, the change in show runners is impossible to ignore and clearly affects the format of the show. For over one hundred issues, Robert Kirkman has been the writer for the TWD comic series, and he's got no plans of stopping anytime soon. Some comics change up the writers after a certain number of issues but because TWD comic is creator-owned, Kirkman has remained its sole writer. The characters and setting change fairly often in the comic but it feels natural, as the personality of characters and overall style remain constant throughout the series. Even the most brutal and discomforting character deaths feel like it's all part of the plan Kirkman laid out in issue one. A work of fiction like The Walking Dead needs consistency. Without it, there can be a noticeable change in direction that will be evident to the viewer and will feel out of place in comparison to how the show started. While Darabont and Mazzara had their problems, they did have impressive moments of making the show work. It's a big deal if the show runner on a popular show is dismissed and replaced but for it to happen twice now is perplexing. On the other side of the coin/medium, you will most likely never hear news that Image has fired and replaced Robert Kirkman as writer of The Walking Dead comic. The Walking Dead television series may eventually may someday find stability with Scott Gimple, but his current work on the show leaves little to be impressed about. On the other hand Kirkman continues to surprise readers with where he takes what's left of his cast in trying to find sanctuary in an undead world. The Walking Dead comic series is a fantastic read and continues to impress fans today. Anyone who has the slightest interest in The Walking Dead or zombie fiction should pick up the first trade paperback. You won't be disappointed by the better quality of story offered on the page.

Freelance writer and podcaster from Long Island,New York. Recent college graduate with a BA in Writing. Movie-buff who continues to write his own screenplays and has a passion for Quentin Tarantino movies, Doctor Who, and Radiohead. Loves to write, all about getting the exposure online and finding ways to tell his story.