The Walking Dead: 5 Things That 'Internment' Did Right (And 3 It Didn't)

4. Maggie

Walking Dead Maggie Gun Pretty much everything that Maggie did in this episode was amazing. We learn almost immediately that she is just about the only capable person at the prison who is not sick and locked away in quarantine. Between her fears for Glenn's life, her concern for her father's health, and the stress of trying to handle the deteriorating situation alone, it would have been hard to condemn Maggie if she were having trouble functioning in Internment. Instead of falling apart, however, Maggie rose to the occasion. She wore riot gear and stabbed Walkers, she fortified fences, she saved Hershel, she helped save Glenn...and best of all, Maggie kept her head. It was great to see Maggie being awesome on her own rather than only as one portion of Maggie'N'Glenn. They were both allowed to shine independently of one another, and Maggie was definitely the MVP of the episode.

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