The Walking Dead: 5 Things That 'Internment' Did Right (And 3 It Didn't)

2. Quarantine Logistics

Walking Dead Internment Walker Hershel's storyline was wonderful. His character development was welcome, his intentions were good and he was the only individual present who was at all qualified to help the suffering. Unfortunately, he was evidently not very qualified to successfully manage a quarantine. Caleb told Hershel to make sure that the doors to the cells of the sick were shut in case of any deaths, advice that shouldn't have even been necessary after the Patrick fiasco. However, Hershel didn't do it €“ he halfheartedly told everybody to shut their doors, but as the only healthy person in the cell block, Hershel ought to have shut and checked those doors himself. Also, despite the fact that Hershel was already exposed and everybody else was already sick, they really should have all been wearing masks. More exposure wasn't going to help anyone. Furthermore, he could have spared some eventual carnage by arming everybody. They didn't all need to have guns or swords, but a knife per person couldn't have hurt and would've proved invaluable when the dead rose again. Finally, Hershel should have given up on moving the fresh corpses into seclusion to stab them in the heads. Those corpses could have turned at any moment and bitten one of the people toting them away, and the exertion of moving them so carefully did much more harm to Sasha's and Glenn's failing health than should have been necessary. Hershel's attempts to keep everybody calm ultimately cost lives, and though Maggie may have shown up to save the day, she had to shoot out a panel in the quarantined area to do so. Hershel's story in this episode was great, but his decisions were not, and that's strange €“ Hershel is usually smarter than he was in Internment.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .