The Walking Dead: 5 Things Self Help Did Right (And 5 It Didn't)

The Good:

5. Jokes At Last!

There isn't an abundance of humour in The Walking Dead. Obviously the situation - humanity desperately hanging on for dear life to the scraps of civilisation that remain after the majority of it has been torn apart by flesh-eating ghouls - doesn't really lend itself to one-liners and pratfalls. The writers, too, aren't particularly adept at squeezing out even some rudimentary attempts at humour. These people thought naming the one black character T-Dog was hilarious, remember. You need a bit of a giggle every so often, however, or else the world gets too unrelentingly grim. Breaking Bad was another intense AMC show, and even they found the time for Saul Goodman and that line in the pilot about eyebrows. The opening scene of Self Help, with the group bantering and Eugene explaining that he likes his "Tennessee Tophat" (read: awful mullet) were a bit of light relief in a pretty downbeat episode, and actually well written for the most part.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at