The Walking Dead: 5 Ways 'Live Bait' Could Have Been Better

2. The Governor

Walking Dead Live Bait Governor The Governor went through a lot in Season 3. He (sort of) lost his daughter. His community fell apart. His aquariums full of zombie heads broke. All of the adults totally made him shoot them (right?). His eye was stabbed out with a shard of zombie aquarium glass. In Season 4, he was bound to be a bit...altered. Unfortunately, for the Governor, 'altered' happened to translate into 'dull.' Despite the catatonic behavior that really should have led to his death in the zombie apocalypse, and despite the slightly excusable fact that he isn't exactly the king of stealth, he could have maintained at least a little bit of his original characterization. It is understandable that he needed an episode of redemption before he can undoubtedly (and hopefully) descend back into evil next week, but the tension that he brought to the show last season was absent to the point that I began hoping that he would loot their apartment, steal the food truck, and/or kidnap young Meghan to raise as Penny 2.0. When the Walkers attacked the foursome on the road, I really thought that he might seize the opportunity to re-hash his demented shtick and scarper off with replacement daughter Meghan. Alas, my hopes were dashed, and the Governor continued with his heroics. Honestly, it was such a departure from his regular character that he could have been replaced by crazy Season 3 Rick in this episode, and not much would've changed. It was such a departure from his previously established character €“ and what made that character compelling in the first place €“ that it rendered the episode much less engaging than it could have been.

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .