The Walking Dead Season 4: 6 Things That Will Happen Next

2. Abraham Ford Will Be Introduced

Earlier this season it was announced that fans of the comic book would see Abraham Ford introduced to the show along with other key members of his group Eugene and Rosita. This one comes across as a bit of a no brainer (he'd already been announced, after all) but the question as to how he is introduced will be interesting. In the comic book, Rick and Carl cross paths with Abraham and his group as they are heading north up to Washington DC as they claim it is a safe location for survivors. As a fan of the comic book, I'm personally a little disappointed in the lack of depth given to Tyreese by the show writers, but I'm also aware they've nailed it with the introduction of new characters like Daryl and the approach they've taken to comic book old-stagers like Hershel. So while Tyreese's character has grown a little thus far this season, I'm hoping they truly hit the mark with Abraham €“ they've already shown they can do it with others, so it's just a matter of crossing our fingers. There's no doubt that he's going to come across as a bit of a hot tempered hard-ass at first but his character will evolve as the show progresses and he takes more of a centre-stage role. This brings us to the last point with Abraham and his group...

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” - George Bernard Shaw