The Walking Dead Season 4 Finale: 8 Ways It Can Avoid Sucking

7. Contain The Amount Of Storylines

They appear to be on the right track to accomplish this one with flying colors €“ many of the cast members have regrouped, the only exceptions being Rick's group and Daryl, who seem on a collision course with each other either ways. However, in these last seven episodes, The Walking Dead has revealed that it is more comfortable spending time on smaller groups of the cast, which belies a potential flaw with the fully-cast finale. One worries that the writers of this season have gotten too comfortable letting the characters breathe in small groups. Since most of the main characters are back in the same group, they must learn to divide screen time effectively so that everyone's arc feels as complete as it can be with the limited time they have for a finale. The two options they have if they don't dial back the subplots to accomplish this are not ideal: either choose some members of the cast to trivialize, or try to develop everyone and create an overly rushed episode.

Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.